Passive scalar interface in a spatially evolving mixing layer (A. Attili and D. Denker)
Quartz nozzle sampling (D. Felsmann)
Dissipation element analysis of a planar diffusion flame (D. Denker)
Turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a temporally evolving jet (D. Denker)
Dissipation elements crossing a flame front (D. Denker and B. Hentschel)
Particle laden flow (E. Varea)
Turbulent flame surface in non-premixed methane jet flame (D. Denker)
DNS of primary break up (M. Bode)
Diffusion flame in a slot Bunsen burner (S. Kruse)
Various quantities in spatially evolving jet diffusion flame (D. Denker)
OH layer in a turbulent wall bounded flame (K. Niemietz)
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Director of the Institute
Research Staff
Mechanical Workshop
Electronic Workshop
Engineering Office
Former Staff
Prof. Heinz Pitsch
Dr. Bernd Binninger
Joachim Beeckmann
Huppertz, Sonja
Schieren, Eva
Krasnov, Peter
Cameron, Florence
Chu, Hongchao
Farmand, Pooria
Fröde, Fabian
Girhe, Sanket
Glaznev, Roman
Golc, Dominik
Hellmuth, Maximilian
Hesse, Raik
Loffredo, Francesca
Niemietz, Kai
Nista, Ludovico
Saha, Avijit
Scialabba, Gandolfo
Christian, Schwenzer
Sayadi, Taraneh
Vivenzo, Marco
Grüterich, Dirk
Heimbach, Dustin
Mannel, Jürgen
Siemons, Johannes
Backes, Frank
Dübner, Lukas
Tritt, Lena
Willems, Beck Bruce