Passive scalar interface in a spatially evolving mixing layer (A. Attili and D. Denker)

Quartz nozzle sampling (D. Felsmann)

Dissipation element analysis of a planar diffusion flame (D. Denker)

Turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a temporally evolving jet (D. Denker)

Dissipation elements crossing a flame front (D. Denker and B. Hentschel)

Particle laden flow (E. Varea)

Turbulent flame surface in non-premixed methane jet flame (D. Denker)

DNS of primary break up (M. Bode)

Diffusion flame in a slot Bunsen burner (S. Kruse)

Various quantities in spatially evolving jet diffusion flame (D. Denker)

OH layer in a turbulent wall bounded flame (K. Niemietz)

Fundamentals & Methods

The ambitious goal to have carbon neutral power generation and propulsion systems in the next decades requires a deep understanding of the physical phenomena driving the conversion of chemical to mechanical energy. The studies conducted at ITV start from the development of numerical methods and algorithms for high performance computing, continue with the performance of high-fidelity predictive direct numerical simulations of turbulent multiphase reacting flows and the analysis of the databases created, and achieve the goal to discover new insights on the interactions between turbulence, phase transition and heat release.


Institut für Technische Verbrennung
RWTH Aachen University
Templergraben 64
52056 Aachen

Phone:  +49 (0)241 80-94607
Fax: +49 (0)241 80-92923

Office hours: 09 a.m.-12 p.m.


Library: +49 (0)241 80-97592