Passive scalar interface in a spatially evolving mixing layer (A. Attili and D. Denker)

Quartz nozzle sampling (D. Felsmann)

Dissipation element analysis of a planar diffusion flame (D. Denker)

Turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a temporally evolving jet (D. Denker)

Dissipation elements crossing a flame front (D. Denker and B. Hentschel)

Particle laden flow (E. Varea)

Turbulent flame surface in non-premixed methane jet flame (D. Denker)

DNS of primary break up (M. Bode)

Diffusion flame in a slot Bunsen burner (S. Kruse)

Various quantities in spatially evolving jet diffusion flame (D. Denker)

OH layer in a turbulent wall bounded flame (K. Niemietz)

Chemical Energy Conversion II

The class is currently only offered in German!
It is taught in the winter semester.



Thursday, 10:30 - 12:00,  H06 (CARL) (12.10.2023 - 01.02.2024)


Friday, 12:30 - 14:00, H05 (CARL) (13.10.2022 - 02.02.2023)


Friday, 23.02.2024, 08:30-10:30 (multiple locations)

Office hours

Fridays (appointment required)


Registration: RWTHonline

Lecture and exercise share one moodle room.

Lecture slides, script, and exercises -> RWTHmoodle

Course Description of Lecture and Exercise

 Laminar Flames

  • Chemical kinetics: Elementary reactions, reaction rates, catalysis, combustion of hydrocarbons, reaction mechanisms, emissions
  • Laminar premixed flames: Overview and introduction, laminar burning velocity , thermal diffusive instabilities, flame structure
  • Laminar diffusion flames: Overview and introduction, mixture fraction, laminar jet flames

Turbulent Combustion

  • Theory of turbulent Flows: Characteristics of turbulent flows, averaging/decomposition of statistical properties, specific flow cases (e.g. isotropic turbulence), derivation of the Reynolds-equation, k- and epsilon-equation, turbulence models, turbulent length and time scales, Kolmogorov hypothesis, balance equation of reacting scalars
  • Turbulent premixed flames: Length- and velocity scales of  turbulent combustion, regime diagram, turbulent flame velocity
  • Turbulent diffusion flames: turbulent jet flames

Introduction to modeling of turbulent combustion

  • Simple models illustrated by example of the flow solver "Fluent"
  • Modeling of turbulent premixed flamers: Introduction to statistical Methods (PDF, CDF,...), BML-Model, G-equation/Level-Set-Ansatz
  • Modeling of turbulent diffusion flames: Flamelet-Koncept

Multiphase combustion

  • Engineering Application
  • Phenomenological description of the breakup process
  • Single droplet flame
  • Modeling and simulation of multiphase flows



Contact Person

Kai Niemietz

Important Dates

Lecture: Thursday, 10:30 - 12:00, H06

Exercise: Friday, 12:30 - 14:00, H05

Exam: Friday, 23.02.2024