Rupali Tripathi, M. Tech.

E-Mail: r.tripathi(at)

              Institut für Technische Verbrennung
              RWTH Aachen University
              Templergraben 64
              52056 Aachen

Telefon: +49 (0)241 80-94613
Telefax: +49 (0)241 80-92923

Büro:  208.1 (2. Etage)





  • Kinetic modeling of biofuels



  • Regenerative Brennstoffe/Energy from Biofuels






  • Tripathi, R., Minwegen, H., Ramalingam, A. K., Heufer, K. A., & Pitsch, H., Chemical kinetic modeling of ignition delay for biomass-derived fuel: 3-Methyltetrahydrofuran. In Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, April 18th-21st, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2017.

  • Tripathi, R., Lee, C., Fernandes, R. X., Olivier, H., Curran, H. J., Sarathy, S. M., & Pitsch, H., Ignition characteristics of 2-methyltetrahydrofuran: An experimental and kinetic study. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(1), pp.587–595. 2017.

  • Sudholt, A., Tripathi, R., Mayer, D., Glaude, P. A., Battin-Leclerc, F., & Pitsch, H., The oxidation of the novel lignocellulosic biofuel ?-valerolactone in a low pressure flame. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(1), pp.577-585. 2017.

  • Cai, L., Minwegen, H., Beeckmann, J., Burke, U., Tripathi, R., Ramalingam, A., Kröger, L.C., Sudholt, A., Leonhard, K., Klankermayer, J., Heufer, K.A. & Pitsch, H., Experimental and numerical study of a novel biofuel: 2-Butyltetrahydrofuran. Combustion and Flame, 178(1), pp.257–267. 2017.
  • Somers K.P., Simmie J.M., Gillespie F., Conroy C., Black G., Metcalfe W.K., Battin-Leclerc F., Dirrenberger P., Herbinet O., Glaude P-A., Dagaut P., Togbé C., Yasunaga K., Fernandes R.X., Lee C., Tripathi R., Curran H.J., A comprehensive experimental and detailed chemical kinetic modelling study of 2,5-dimethylfuran pyrolysis and oxidation. Combustion and Flame, 160(11), pp.2291-2318. 2013

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