Jonas Boschung, Dr.-Ing.

E-Mail: j.boschung(at)
Institut für Technische Verbrennung
RWTH Aachen University
Templergraben 64
D-52056 Aachen
Telefon: +49 (0)241 80-94619
Telefax: +49 (0)241 80-92923
Büro: 217, 2. Etage
- Theoretische Untersuchung turbulenter Strömungen
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Peer-reviewed journal publications
- Boschung, J., Schaefer, P., Peters, N. & Meneveau, C., The local topology of stream-and vortex lines in turbulent flows. Physics of Fluids (1994-present), 26(4), p.045107. 2014.
- Gampert, M., Boschung, J., Hennig, F., Gauding, M. & Peters, N., The vorticity versus the scalar criterion for the detection of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 750, pp.578-596. 2014.
- Boschung, J., Exact relations between the moments of dissipation and longitudinal velocity derivatives in turbulent flows. Physical Review E, 92(4), p.043013. 2015.
- Boschung, J., Hennig, F., Gauding, M., Pitsch, H. & Peters, N., Generalised higher-order Kolmogorov scales. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 794, pp.233-251. 2016.
- Boschung, J., Gauding, M., Hennig, F., Denker, D. & Pitsch, H., Finite Reynolds number corrections of the 4/5 law for decaying turbulence. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(6), p.064403. 2016.
- Boschung, J., Peters, N., Laizet, S. & Vassilicos, J.C., Streamlines in stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence and fractal-generated turbulence. Fluid Dynamics Research, 48(2), p.021403. 2016.
- Peters, N., Boschung, J., Gauding, M., Goebbert, J.H., Hill, R.J. & Pitsch, H., Higher-order dissipation in the theory of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 803, pp.250-274. 2016.
- Hennig, F., Boschung, J. & Peters, N., Statistical Description of Streamline Segments in a Turbulent Channel Flow with a Wavy Wall. New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X, pp.135-143. 2016.
- Boschung, J., Hennig F., Denker D., Pitsch, H. & Hill, R.J., Analysis of structure function equations up to the seventh order. Journal of Turbulence, pp. 1-32. 2017
Conference Proceedings
- Boschung, J. & Meneveau, C., Local topology of energy transport in isotropic turbulence. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 18th - 20th November 2012, San Diego, USA. 2012.
- Schaefer, P., Gampert, M., Boschung, J. & Peters, N., Scaling of the mean length of streamline segments in various turbulent flows. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 18th - 20th November 2012, San Diego, USA. 2012.
- Gampert, M., Schaefer, P., Boschung, J. & Peters, N., Gradient trajectory analysis of the scalar superlayer in a jet flow. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 28th - 30th August 2013, Poitiers, France. 2013.
- Boschung, J., Meneveau, C. & Peters, N., Properties of the curvature tensor of streamtubes in turbulent flows. European Turbulence Conference 14, 1st - 4th September 2013, Lyon, France. 2013.
- Boschung, J., Hennig, F. & Peters, N., A Comparison of the Scalar and Vorticity Criterion defining the T/NT Interface. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 24th - 26th November 2013, Pittsburgh, USA. 2013.
- Hennig, F., Boschung, J., Gauding, M. & Peters, N., Direct Numerical Simulation of a Temporal Mixing Layer and Detection of the Turbulent/Non-Turbulent Interface. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 24th - 26th November 2013, Pittsburgh, USA. 2013.
- Boschung, J., Hennig, F. & Peters, N., Local behaviour of streamlines in turbulent flows. 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 23th - 25th November 2014, San Francisco, USA. 2014.
- Hennig, F., Boschung, J. & Peters, N., Properties of streamline segments in turbulent channel flows with wavy walls. 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 23rd - 25th November 2014, San Francisco, USA. 2014.
- Boschung, J., Gauding, M., Hennig, F., Peters, N. & Pitsch, H., An alternative definition of order dependent dissipation scales, 15th European Turbulence Conference, 25-28 August, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands. 2015.
- Hennig, F., Boschung, J. & Peters, N., Statistics of streamline segments in a turbulent channel flow with a wavy wall. 15th European Turbulence Conference, 25-28 August, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands. 2015.
- Gauding, M., Boschung, J., Hasse, H. & Peters, N., Dissipative range scaling of higher order structure functions for velocity and and passive scalars. 15th European Turbulence Conference, 25-28 August, 2015, Delft, The Netherlands. 2015.
- Boschung, J., Gauding, M., Hennig, F., Denker, D. & Pitsch, H., Corrections to the 4/5-law for decaying turbulence. 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 20th - 22th November 2016, Portland, USA. 2016.
- Denker, D., Boschung, J., Hennig, F. & Pitsch, H., Dissipation element analysis of reacting and non-reacting flows. 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 20th - 22th November 2016, Portland, USA. 2016.
- Peters, N., Boschung, J., Gauding, M., Goebbert, J.H. & Pitsch, H., Exact equations for structure functions and equations for source terms up to the sixth order, arXiv,
- Boschung, J., Hennig, F., Denker D., Pitsch, H. & Hill, R.J., Balances of structure function equations and their traces for the second to seventh order for homogeneous, isotropic turbulence,
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