Liming Cai, Dr.-Ing.

E-Mail:  lcai(at)

              Institut für Technische Verbrennung
              RWTH Aachen University
              Templergraben 64
              D-52056 Aachen

Telefon: +49 (0)241 80-94613
Telefax: +49 (0)241 80-92923

Büro:  208.1, 2. Etage



  • Theoretische Untersuchung chemischer Kinetik
  • Entwicklung, Reduktion und Optimierung von Reaktionsmechanismen
  • Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)


  • J. Yang, D. Yan, Q. Mao, F. vom Lehn, H. Pitsch and L. Cai. A revised reaction kinetic mechanism for the oxidation of methyl formate. Combustion and Flame, vol. 261, page 113263, 2024. [DOI]
  • X. Wen, L. Berger, L. Cai, A. Parente and H. Pitsch. Thermodiffusively unstable laminar hydrogen flame in a sufficiently large 3D computational domain – Part II: NOx formation mechanism and flamelet modeling. Combustion and Flame, vol. 265, page 113497, 2024. [DOI]
  • Heinz Pitsch, Dominik Goeb, Liming Cai and Werner Willems. Potential of oxymethylene ethers as renewable diesel substitute. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 104, page 101173, 2024. [DOI]
  • X. Wen, L. Berger, L. Cai, A. Parente and H. Pitsch. Thermodiffusively unstable laminar hydrogen flame in a sufficiently large 3D computational domain – Part I: Characteristic patterns. Combustion and Flame, vol. 263, page 113278, 2024. [DOI]
  • M. Hellmuth, B. Chen, C. Bariki, L. Cai, F. Cameron, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, S. Faller, Y. Ren, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K. A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. A Comparative Study on the Combustion Chemistry of Two Biohybrid Fuels: 1,3-Dioxane and 1,3-Dioxolane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 127, pages 286-299, 2023. [DOI]
  • Hongchao Chu, Lukas Berger, Temistocle Grenga, Michael Gauding, Liming Cai and Heinz Pitsch. Effects of turbulence on variations in early development of hydrogen and iso-octane flame kernels under engine conditions. Combustion and Flame, vol. 255, 09 2023. [DOI]
  • M. Hellmuth, B. Chen, C. Bariki, L. Cai, F. Cameron, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, S. Faller, Y. Ren, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K. A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. A Comprehensive Study on the Combustion Chemistry of Two Bio-Hybrid Fuels: 1,3-Dioxolane and 1,3-Dioxane. In Proceedings of the 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, January 23-26, Luxor, Egypt, 2023.
  • X. Wen, L. Berger, L. Cai, A. Parente and H. Pitsch. Thermodiffusively unstable laminar hydrogen flame in a sufficiently large 3D computational domain – Part I: Characteristic patterns. Combustion and Flame, page 113278, 2023. [DOI]
  • Zhuo Chen, Florian Vom Lehn, Heinz Pitsch and Liming Cai. Prediction of Sooting Index of Fuel Compounds for Spark-Ignition Engine Applications Based on a Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Thermal Science, vol. 32 no. 2, pages 521-530, 2023. [DOI]
  • H. Chu, L. Berger, T. Grenga, M. Gauding, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Effects of turbulence on variations in early development of hydrogen and iso-octane flame kernels under engine conditions. Combustion and Flame, vol. 255, page 112914, 2023. [DOI]
  • Shijun Dong, Scott W. Wagnon, Luna Pratali Maffei, Goutham Kukkadapu, Andrea Nobili, Qian Mao, Matteo Pelucchi, Liming Cai, Kuiwen Zhang, Mandhapati Raju, Tanusree Ghatterjee, William J. Pitz, Tiziano Faravelli, Heinz Pitsch, Peter Kelly Senecal and Henry J. Curran. A new detailed kinetic model for surrogate fuels: C3MechV3.3. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2022.
  • M. Hellmuth, B. Chen, C. Bariki, L. Cai, F. Cameron, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, S. Faller, Y. Ren, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K. A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. Characterization of Low-Emission Transportation Fuels from Molecular Design. 6th International Sooting Flame (ISF) Workshop, July 22-23, Vancouver, Canada, 2022.
  • A. Deshmukh, M. Davidovic, T. Grenga, R. Lakshmanan, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. A reduced-order model for turbulent reactive sprays in compression ignition engines. Combustion and Flame, vol. 236, page 111751, 2022. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai, B. C. Caceres and H. Pitsch. Exploring the fuel structure dependence of laminar burning velocity: A machine learning based group contribution approach. Combustion and Flame, vol. 232, 2021. [DOI]
  • L Ruwe, L. Cai, J. Wullenkord, S. Schmitt, D. Felsmann, M. Baroncelli, B. Chen, K. Moshammer, N Hansen, H. Pitsch and K. Kohse Höinghaus. Low- and high-temperature study of n-heptane combustion chemistry. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 405-413, 2021. [DOI]
  • X. Wen, H. Nicolai, H. Schneider, L. Cai, J. Janicka, H. Pitsch and C. Hasse. Flamelet LES of a swirl-stabilized multi-stream pulverized coal burner in air and oxy-fuel atmospheres with pollutant formation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 4141-4149, 2021. [DOI]
  • L. Cai, F. vom Lehn and H. Pitsch. Higher Alcohol and Ether Biofuels for Compression-Ignition Engine Application: A Review with Emphasis on Combustion Kinetics. Energy & Fuels, vol. 35, pages 1890-1917, 2021. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Iterative model-based experimental design for efficient uncertainty minimization of chemical mechanisms. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 1033-1042, 2021. [DOI]
  • S. Eckart, L. Cai, C. Fritsche, F. vom Lehn, H. Pitsch and H. Krause. Laminar burning velocities, CO, and NOx emissions of premixed polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether flames. Fuel, vol. 238, page 120321, 2021. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai, R. Tripathi and H. Pitsch. Combustion property modeling in fuel design for highly efficient spark-ignition engines. In 743. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Process Integration, Chemical and Thermal Energy Storage for the Energy Transformation, March 22-24, Bad Honnef (Germany) / Online, 2021.
  • Sven Eckart, Liming Cai, Chris Fritsche, Florian vom Lehn, Heinz Pitsch and Hartmut Krause. Laminar burning velocities, CO, and NOx emissions of premixed polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether flames. Fuel, vol. 293, page 120321, 2021. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, B. C. Cáceres, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Design Rules for Fuels with High Laminar Burning Velocity. In 9th International Conference “Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion”, June 22-24, Aachen (Germany), 2021.
  • D. Goeb, M. Davidovic, L. Cai, P. Pancharia, M. Bode, J. Beeckmann, W. Willems, K.A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Oxymethylene ether – n-dodecane blend spray combustion: Experimental study and large-eddy simulations. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 3417-3425, 2021. [DOI]
  • X. Wen, A. Shamooni, O.T. Stein, L. Cai, H. Pitsch, A. Kempf and C. Hasse. Detailed analysis of early-stage NOx formation in turbulent pulverized coal combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 4111-4119, 2021. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, S. Jacobs, C. Bariki, Q. Mao, D. Yan, J. Beeckmann, K. A. Heufer, H. Pitsch and L. Cai. Combustion Kinetics of the Synthetic E-Fuels Methyl Formate and Dimethyl Carbonate: A Modeling and Experimental Study. In 30. Deutscher Flammentag, September 28-29, Hannover (Germany) / Online, 2021.
  • D. Goeb, M. Davidovic, L. Cai, P. Pancharia, M. Bode, J. Beeckmann and H. Pitsch. Oxymethylene Ether – Diesel Blends: Maximizing the Impact of Renewable Fuels on Vehicle Fleet Pollutant Emissions. In 743. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Process Integration, Chemical and Thermal Energy Storage for the Energy Transformation, March 22-24, Bad Honnef (Germany) / Online, 2021.
  • R. Langer, J. Lotz, L. Cai, F. vom Lehn, K. Leppkes, U. Naumann and H. Pitsch. Adjoint sensitivity analysis of kinetic, thermochemical, and transport data of nitrogen and ammonia chemistry. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 777-785, 2021. [DOI]
  • B. Chen, S. Kruse, R. Schmid, L. Cai, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. Oxygenated PAH Formation Chemistry Investigation in Anisole Jet Stirred Reactor Oxidation by a Thermodynamic Approach. Energy & Fuels, vol. 35, pages 1535-1545, 01 2021. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai, R. Tripathi, R. Broda and H. Pitsch. A property database of fuel compounds with emphasis on spark-ignition engine applications. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 5, page 100018, 2021.
  • S. Esposito, L. Cai, M. Günther, H. Pitsch and S. Pischinger. Comparison of Measured Speciated HC Emissions from a Spark-Ignition Direct-Injection Engine between a Market Gasoline and its Surrogate. In Proceedings of the 10th European Combustion Meeting, April 14-15, Naples (Italy) / Online, 2021.
  • F. vom Lehn, B. C. Cáceres, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Laminar burning velocity prediction based on group contributions and artificial neural network. In Proceedings of the 10th European Combustion Meeting, April 14-15, Naples (Italy) / Online, 2021.
  • Q. Mao, L. Cai, R. Langer and H. Pitsch. The role of resonance-stabilized radical chain reactions in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon growth: Theoretical calculation and kinetic modeling. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 1459-1466, 2021.
  • D. Goeb, M. Davidovic, M. Bode, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Impact of Preferential Evaporation on Ignition in Oxymethylene Ether - n-Dodecane-Blends. In Proceedings of the 10th European Combustion Meeting, April 14-15, Naples (Italy) / Online, 2021.
  • Q. Mao, C. Huang, L. Shen, L. Cai, K. Leonhard and H. Pitsch. Unimolecular reactions of the resonance-stabilized cyclopentadienyl radicals and their role in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation Cai, L. Leonhard, K. Pitsch, H.. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 38, pages 729-737, 2021.
  • L. Cai, F. vom Lehn and H. Pitsch. Fuel Design for Advanced Combustion Modes. In SAE China Congress and Exhibition (SAECCE), October 20-24, Shanghai (China), 2020.
  • F. vom Lehn, B. Brosius, R. Broda, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Using machine learning with target-specific feature sets for structure-property relationship modeling of octane numbers and octane sensitivity. Fuel, vol. 281, page 118772, 2020. [DOI]
  • L. Cai, S. Jacobs, R. Langer, F. vom Lehn, K.A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Auto-ignition of oxymethylene ethers (OMEn, n = 2–4) as promising synthetic e-fuels from renewable electricity: shock tube experiments and automatic mechanism generation. Fuel, vol. 264, page 116711, 2020. [DOI]
  • A. Deshmukh, M. Davidovic, T. Grenga, L. Schumacher, V. Kirsch, J. Palmer, M.A. Reddemann, M. Hofmeister, A. Wildenberg, S. Jacobs, F. vom Lehn, L. Cai, T. Ottenwälder, S. Pischinger, K. Leonhard, K.A. Heufer, K. Schmitz, R. Kneer and H. Pitsch. Bio-hybrid Fuels: From Molecular Structure to Combustion and Emissions. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference „Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion“, June 23-25, Aachen, Germany, 2020.
  • Florian vom Lehn, Benedict Brosius, Rafal Broda, Liming Cai and Heinz Pitsch. Using machine learning with target-specific feature sets for structure-property relationship modeling of octane numbers and octane sensitivity. Fuel, vol. 281, page 118772, 2020. [DOI]
  • S. Esposito, M. Mally, L. Cai, H. Pitsch and S. Pischinger. Validation of a RANS 3D-CFD Gaseous Emission Model with Space-, Species-, and Cycle-Resolved Measurements from an SI DI Engine. Energies, vol. 13 no. 17, page 4287, 2020. [DOI]
  • J. Wullenkord, I. Graf, M. Baroncelli, D. Felsmann, L. Cai, H. Pitsch and K. Kohse Hoeinghaus. Laminar premixed and non-premixed flame investigation on the influence of dimethyl ether addition on n-heptane combustion. Combustion and Flame, vol. 212, pages 323-336, 2020. [DOI]
  • T. Falkenstein, S. Kang, L. Cai, M. Bode and H. Pitsch. DNS study of the global heat release rate during early flame kernel development under engine conditions. Combustion and Flame, vol. 213, pages 455 - 466, 2020. [DOI]
  • Q. Mao, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Theoretical analysis and kinetic modeling of hydrogen abstraction and addition of 1,3-cyclopentadiene and associated reactions on the C5H7 potential energy surface. Combustion and Flame, vol. 222, pages 423-433, 2020. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai, M. Döntgen, K. Leonhard, K.A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Importance of thermochemistry for accurate kinetic model predictions: Uncertainty analysis and optimization studies. In 5th International Flame Chemistry Workshop, November 30 - December 04, Adelaide (Australia) / Online, 2020.
  • M. Hellmuth, A. Wildenberg, C. Huang, L. Cai, B. Chen, S. Kruse, C. Bariki, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K.A. Heufer, N. Hansen and H. Pitsch. Exploring the combustion chemistry of 1,3-dioxane and 1,3-dioxolane - future generation bio-hybrid fuels. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference “Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion", June 23-25, Aachen, Germany, 2020.
  • L. Cai, S. Kruse, D. Felsmann and H. Pitsch. A Methane Mechanism for Oxy-Fuel Combustion: Extinction Experiments, Model Validation, and Kinetic Analysis. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 05 2020. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Investigating the impacts of thermochemical group additivity values on kinetic model predictions through sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. Combustion and Flame, vol. 213, pages 394-408, 2020. [DOI]
  • A.Y. Deshmukh, M. Modarres, R. Karuvingal, M. Khosravi, M. D‘Elia, R. Hesse, J. Beeckmann, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Modeling of Combustion in DI-CNG Engines. In Converge EU User Conference, March 31st–April 1st, Online, 2020.
  • S. Esposito, L. Cai, M. Guenther, H. Pitsch and S. Pischinger. Experimental comparison of combustion and emission characteristics between a market gasoline and its surrogate. Combustion and Flame, vol. 214, pages 306-322, 2020.
  • L. Cai, F. vom Lehn, R. Langer and H. Pitsch. Highly-automated model development for promising e-fuels from renewable electricity. In Fuels, Processes, and Combustion Physics in the Energy Transformation - 715. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 08-12 March, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2020.
  • L. Cai, L. Kröger, M. Döntgen, K. Leonhard, K. Narayanaswamy, S. M. Sarathy, K. A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Exploring the combustion chemistry of a novel lignocellulose-derived biofuel: cyclopentanol. Part I: quantum chemistry calculation and kinetic modeling. Combustion and Flame, vol. 210, pages 490-501, 2019.
  • L. Cai, H. Minwegen, S. Kruse, R. D. Büttgen, R. Hesse, A. Ramalingam, J. Beeckmann, K. Leonhard, K. A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Exploring the combustion chemistry of a novel lignocellulose-derived biofuel: cyclopentanol. Part II: experiment, model validation, and functional group analysis. Combustion and Flame, vol. 210, pages 134-144, 2019.
  • D. Goeb, M. Bode, M. Davidovic, L. Cai, T. Ottenwälder, S. Jacobs, S. Pischinger, K. A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. High-fidelity simulations and experiments of oxymethylene ether spray ignition. In Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, April 15th-17th, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
  • Liming Cai, Ajoy Ramalingam, Heiko Minwegen, Karl Alexander Heufer and Heinz Pitsch. Impact of exhaust gas recirculation on ignition delay times of gasoline fuel: An experimental and modeling study. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 37 no. 1, pages 639-647, 2019. [DOI]
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Diethyl ether mechanism with optimized thermochemistry and kinetics. In Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, June 16th-20th, Tenerife, Spain, 2019.
  • F. vom Lehn, B. Brosius, D. Brust, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Using machine learning in model development for global fuel auto-ignition quantities. In 29. Deutscher Flammentag, September 17th-18th, Bochum, Germany, 2019.
  • A. Deshmukh, M. Korkmaz, M. Davidovic, D. Goeb, C. Giefer, M. Bode, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Towards an Integral Combustion Model for Model-based Control of PCCI Engines. SAE Technical Paper, vol. 24 no. 0001, 2019.
  • Mathias Lemke, Liming Cai, Julius Reiss, Heinz Pitsch and Joern Sesterhenn. Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of quantities of interest of complex combustion models. Combustion Theory and Modelling, vol. 23 no. 1, pages 180-196, JAN 2 2019. [DOI]
  • R. Tripathi, W. Pejpichestakul, L. Cai, M. Pelucchi, T. Faravelli and H. Pitsch. Evaluation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Formation in Counterflow Diffusion Flames. In Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting, April 14th-17th, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
  • P. Pepiot, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Model reduction and lumping procedures, volume 45 of Mathematical Modelling of Gasphase Complex Reaction Systems: Pyrolysis and Combustion. Elsevier, 2019.
  • L. Cai, S. Jacob, F. vom Lehn, R. Langer, K.A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Automatic mechanism generation for auto-ignition of the promising e-fuels oxymethylene ethers (OMEn, n = 2-4). In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers, January 21-23, Naples, Italy, 2019.
  • S.J. Klippenstein, R. Sivaramakrishnan, K.P. Somers, H.J. Curran, L. Cai, H. Pitsch, M. Pelucchi, T. Faravelli and P. Glarborg. HO2 + HO2: High level theory and the role of singlet channels. In 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, March 24–27, 2019.
  • M. Pelucchi, U. Burke, L. Cai, K.P. Somers, P. Glarborg, T. Turányi, H. Pitsch, H.J. Curran, T. Faravelli and S.J. Klippenstein. Towards a common C0-C2 Mechanism: A critical evaluation of rate constants for syngas combustion kinetics. In 1st International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers, January 21–23, Naples, Italy, 2019.
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Thermochemical property estimation based on group additivity method: Impact of groups on kinetic model predictions. In Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting, April 14-17, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
  • Lena Ruwe, Liming Cai, Kai Moshammer, Nils Hansen, Heinz Pitsch and Katharina Kohse Hoeinghaus. The C5 chemistry preceding the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a premixed 1-pentene flame. Combustion and Flame, vol. 206, pages 411-423, AUG 2019. [DOI]
  • Alena Sudholt, Liming Cai and Heinz Pitsch. Laminar flow reactor experiments for ignition delay time and species measurements at low temperatures: Linear alkanes and dimethyl ether. Combustion and Flame, vol. 202, pages 347-361, APR 2019. [DOI]
  • L. Cai, L. Kröger, M. Döntgen, H. Minwegen, R.D. Büttgen, A. Ramalingam, K. Leonhard, K. Narayanaswamy, S.M. Sarathy, K.A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Exploring the combustion chemistry of a novel lignocellulose-derived biofuel: cyclopentanol. In Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting, April 14th-17th, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
  • M. Lemke, L. Cai, J. Reiss, H. Pitsch and J. Sesterhenn. Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis of complex combustion models. In 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, February 18–22, Vienna, Austria, 2019.
  • L. Cai, F. vom Lehn, B. Brosius, D. Brust and H. Pitsch. Using machine learning in model development for global fuel auto-ignition quantities. In China SAE Congress and Exhibition (SAECCE), October 22nd-24th, Shanghai, China, 2019.
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Impact of thermochemistry on optimized kinetic model predictions: Auto-ignition of diethyl ether. Combustion and Flame, vol. 210, pages 454-466, 2019. [DOI]
  • A. Omari, S. Jacobs, D. Goeb, L. Cai, B. Lehrheuer, B. Heufer, H. Pitsch and S. Pischinger. Potential OMEx-haltiger Kraftstoffe. In P2X-Tag, January 15th - 16th, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2019.
  • F. vom Lehn, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification, and optimization for thermochemical properties in chemical kinetic combustion models. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 37 no. 1, pages 771-779, 2019. [DOI]
  • L. Cai, S. Kruse, D. Felsmann and H. Pitsch. A methane mechanism for oxy-fuel combustion: Extinction experiments, model validation, and kinetic analysis. In International Workshop on Clean Combustion: Principles and Applications, September 25th-26th, Darmstadt, Germany, 2019.
  • L. Ruwe, L. Cai, K. Moshammer, N. Hansen, H. Pitsch and K. Kohse Höinghaus. How does the fuel structure influence the combustion chemistry? An experimental and kinetic modeling study on C5 fuels. In 37th International Symposium on Combustion, July 29–August 3, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  • L. Cai. E-Fuels – Carbon Neutral Fuels for the Future?. In China SAE Congress & Exhibition (SAECCE), November 6th-8th, Shanghai, China, 2018.
  • M. Mally, A. Fandakov, L. Cai and H. Minwegen. Klopfen bei Volllast-Abgasrückführung. Motortechnische Zeitschrift, vol. 79 no. 2, pages 66-73, 2018.
  • D. Felsmann, M. Baroncelli, L. Cai and H. Pitsch. Investigation of coal combustion under oxy-fuel conditions using experimental and numerical methods. In 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, February 14th-15th, Bochum, Germany, 2018.
  • R. Langer, A. Cuoci, L. Cai, U. Burke, C. Olm, H. Curran, T. Turányi, S. Klippenstein and H. Pitsch. Comparing the results and performance of chemical kinetic modeling software. In 4th International Workshop on Flame Chemistry, July 28th-29th, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  • U. Burke, L. Cai, M. Pelucchi, S.J. Klippenstein, P. Glarborg, T. Turányi, H. Pitsch, T. Faravelli and H.J. Curran. A critical evaluation of rate constants for syngas combustion kinetics. In The 4th International Workshop on Flame Chemistry, July 28–29, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  • R. Tripathi, U. Burke, A. Ramalingam, C. Lee, A. Davis, L. Cai, H. Selim, R. Fernandes, K. Heufer, S. Sarathy and H. Pitsch. Oxidation of 2-methylfuran and 2-methylfuran/n-heptane blends: An experimental and modeling study. Combustion and Flame, vol. 196, pages 54-70, 2018. [DOI]
  • W.A. Kopp, L.C. Kröger, L. Cai, R. Hesse, S. Kruse, A.B.S. Alquaity, J. Beeckmann, S. Jacobs, H. Minwegen, K.A. Heufer, H. Pitsch and K. Leonhard. Combustion chemistry of diethoxymethane (DEM): experiments, theory and modeling. In Sixth International Conference - Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass, Aachen, Germany, 2018.
  • R. Langer, A. Cuoci, L. Cai, U. Burke, C. Olm, H. Curran, T. Turányi and H. Pitsch. A Comparison of Numerical Frameworks for Modelling Homogeneous Reactors and Laminar Flames. In Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 23 - 26, Sorrento, Italy, 2018.
  • L. Ruwe, L. Cai, K. Moshammer, N. Hansen, H. Pitsch and K. Kohse Höinghaus. Towards formation of small aromatic compounds: Mass spectrometric investigation of fuel-specific decomposition and growth pathways in selected alkane and alkene flames. In 117th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, May 10–12, Hannover, Germany, 2018.
  • M. Mally, A. Fandakov, L. Cai and H. Minwegen. Knock with Exhaust Gas at Full Load. MTZ worldwide, vol. 79 no. 2, pages 60-65, 2018. [DOI]
  • L. Cai, M. Döntgen, H. Minwegen, S. Kruse, A. Ramalingam, L.C. Kröger, R. Büttgens, K. Leonhard, K.A. Heufer and H. Pitsch. Experimental and numerical kinetic study of a novel biofuel for gasoline engine combustion: Cyclopentanol. In Fifth International Conference of TMFB, June 20th - 22nd, Aachen, Germany, 2017.
  • H. Pitsch and L. Cai. Autoignition chemistry and model reduction. In International Bunsen Discussion Meeting, June 21st – 23rd, Bielefeld, Germany, 2017.
  • Marco Davidovic, Tobias Falkenstein, Mathis Bode, Liming Cai, Seongwon Kang, Joern Hinrichs and Heinz Pitsch. LES of n-Dodecane Spray Combustion Using a Multiple Representative Interactive Flamelets Model. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies Nouvelles, vol. 72 no. 5, 10 2017. [DOI]
  • L. Cai, R. Langer and H. Pitsch. Automatic chemical mechanism generation using optimized rate rules. Case study: Ether oxidation. In Sixteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, April 3rd - 5th, Orlando, USA, 2017.
  • A. Fandakov, M. Grill, M. Bargende, M. Mally, M. Günther, S. Pischinger, L. Cai, H. Pitsch, K.A. Heufer, A. Ramalingam, H. Minwegen and A.C. Kulzer. Development of a model for predicting the knock boundary in consideration of cooled exhaust gas recirculation at full load. In Knocking in Gasoline Engines - 5th International Conference, December 12th - 13th, Berlin, Germany, 2017.
  • Liming Cai, Stephan Kruse, Daniel Felsmann, Christoph Thies, Kiran K. Yalamanchi and Heinz Pitsch. Experimental Design for Discrimination of Chemical Kinetic Models for Oxy-Methane Combustion. Energy & Fuels, vol. 31 no. 5, pages 5533-5542, 2017. [DOI]
  • L. Cai, S. Kruse, D. Felsmann, C. Thies and H. Pitsch. Experimental design for discrimination of chemical kinetic models for oxy-methane combustion. In Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2017, April 18th - 21st, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017.

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Numerische Untersuchung der Reaktionskinetik von Biokraftstoffen und synthetischen Kraftstoffen

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